Monday, 25 February 2013

School Magazine Cover Mock Up

This is an initial mock up of my newsletter, for my prelim task, that I produced using Microsoft Publisher. As this is my first draft of the mockup, I am not certain of what will be featured in my school magazine and so I have not yet decided on what my coverlines will be, but I want my colour scheme to reflect that of the school's (red, white and blue), as I have learned from researching/analysing other school magazines that it is much more appealing and professional to do this. The main ideology I want to portray on my school magazine front cover is the traditional look and values of the school and so for my main image I am going to use the front of the school that is covered in ivy to portray this. This main cover image will also follow the guidelines of a typical magazine by covering the whole page. I also need to decide what headline I want to include.

On the cover I also want to feature a small snapshot image of a year 9 student taking part in a science experiment to further back up the ideology that the school has traditional values and that the students are happy and enthusiastic towards learning. To take these photographs I will use my own DSLR camera to try and get the most professional looking images I can. I have also used the masthead 'Deyes High School News'  because I think that it is a simplistic title which is more professional than perhaps a 'cringey' one (such as a play on words). I will also use the school logo on the cover, which will help with my colour scheme. When choosing the colours for my school magazine I will take into consideration that other school magazines that I have analysed have contained vibrant primary colours which connote a childish, younger audience and so because my school magazine will be aimed at the parents, I will try to tone these colours down to more appropriate shades.

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