Sunday, 21 April 2013

Contents page Flat Plan

Above is my indie magazine contents page flat plan. I love the clear, precise and artistic layout of the NME contents pages, with each different cover line separated by a single line and a really good balance of images and text and so this is where I found my inspiration for my own (although it may look really confusing from the image above)! I will only use black for the text on the contents page and not highlight certain components with a colour, as this takes away from the simplistic and professional look that is really attractive. The convention that I really took inspiration from, and the only colour for text on the page, is the obvious, in your face page numbers located on each image referring to a certain feature. I like this because it is really easy to navigate your way around the page and you can quickly see what feature is located where by the huge font size. This is also a component that I will use on my own contents page.

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