Sunday, 7 April 2013

Initial ideas for cover, contents page and double page spread for my Music Magazine

This is a mind map that I have created with all of my visions on what my music magazine will feature. i have thought about my cover image and images for the contents page and double page spread, along with the colour schemes and possible article features. As my music magazine is for an indie genre, I want to capture the grungy side of the genre through my imagery ad use of fonts and colour scheme, still aiming more towards  a female dominant audience. For my images to represent this, I thought carefully about how my fictional artist  on my cover image would be dressed and the locations I wanted to shoot at, ad most importantly who would be my model for the images and main feature on my double page spread. I came to the decision of asking my friends' cousin for my photo shoot as her style is very much perfect for the style I originally sought for at the beginning of my research. I arranged a date and chose clothes, props, and possible make up and jewellery that would capture and allow the female audience to relate to the indie/grungy style of the photography.

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