Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Masthead font choices

After quite a lot of research I have decided that my final magazine masthead will be "Eclectic". Although this title is a lot longer than many indie magazine titles such as NME and Q that are snappy, recognisable names, I have considered that if the magazine were to become more established then it could even be shortened down to just simply "E", like New Musical Express (NME) originally was published as. After I had decided on my title I now just have to choose a font that my masthead will be displayed in. The font of the masthead is really important as it can connote the theme, style and formal/informal manner which may target a different audience than you initially intended, as it is this, combined with the main cover image that attract the demographics.

These are a range of various styles I looked at. They mainly consist of different styles, all within the Sans Serif font range. I did this because after researching a lot about already established Indie magazines, mainly NME and Q, this is the font that they use for their masthead and it looks very professional from its simplicity. This draws attention more towards the main cover image which will be the main and most important feature within the magazine. I then considered that if I were to do the same and make my masthead very simplistic but professional looking, then it would allow me to change the colour, making it look more bold and an eye catcher for the reader. After taking into account these points I have decided to have the second to last one as my masthead font for all of these reasons.

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