Saturday, 20 April 2013

Magazine Front cover flat plan

This is my flat plan for my music magazine front cover. I looked at various issues of the layout for inspiration from NME and combined different components to come up with this layout, however, I got most of my layout inspiration from the Foals issue, which I have previously analysed. I have noticed from my research a few components such as a banner along the top of the page (above the masthead) and a slightly transparent boost/plug with either a cover line or promotion of some kind that NME use quite frequently. I really like the look of this and so I decided to include these components on my own magazine, with the banner displaying one of the main cover lines of a feature within the magazine. The banner will also be displayed using the "rough cut effect" in Photo shop to connotate the artistic feel of the indie genre. The main anchorage cover line on the right of the page will hold the biggest space on the page, with the masthead, to denote and connote its importance. I have included a lot text on the page as I found that when I analysed the likes of NME and Q magazine, although the image was the stand out, eye catching feature and what the audience would be drawn to, they typically included quite a lot of text, highlighted further by a chosen colour (depending on the issue). Leading from this I haven't yet decided on what the whole colour scheme of my music magazine will be, however, I will use the typical red, black, white and stand out colour that complements and contrast my main cover image, as I think that this type of colour scheme is classic and professional looking.

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